World Day against Witch-hunts

Join the South African Pagan Rights Alliance and its members as we review the historical facts and contemporary human rights abuses against victims of accusation of witchcraft, international advocacy against accusations of witch-hunts globally, and legislative reform against witchcraft suppression legislation in South Africa by this Alliance.

World Day against Witch-hunts
10 August 2024

‘witchcraft belief defence’ rejected by Greytown Regional Court in sentencing

Philisiwe Zuma (33), Thubelihle Shezi (24), and Mazwi Lembethe (23), were recently found guilty of double murder and arson and were sentenced by the Greytown Regional Court to life.

The South African Pagan Rights Alliance wishes to thank the Greytown Regional Court for not accepting a ‘witchcraft belief defence’ in mitigation of sentencing in this case.

The consideration of a belief in “witchcraft” as a mitigating factor in sentencing is wholly inappropriate as this will not discourage further accusations of witchcraft or witch-hunts. The purpose of sentencing must be deterrence. Our courts must never lend credence to the perpetrators unproveable “beliefs” that motivate violence against victims of witchcraft accusation.


An industrial psychologist and self-appointed life coach, Madeleine Pretorius (48), has accused Swift of including “satanic symbolism in her songs and music videos, as well as during her worldwide Eras tour” in a Facebook video, which has been viewed over 5000 times. Pretorius’ accusations are nothing more than what was initially hurled at Fokofpolisiekar, ACDC, Metallica, and other popular culture and media, in the 80s to early 90s. Moral panics of such a nature are generally proven by experts, to have little (if any) rational basis!

Conspiracy theories and moral panics have no place in news reports or Psychology practices and frameworks in South Africa, as they are harmful and unprofessional. Qualified Industrial Psychologists, like Pretorius, aught NOT be endorsing irrational Satanic panic conspiracies.

Dis 2024 en “TAYLOR SWIFT IS ‘DUIWELS’…”!?

Suid-Afrika is weer vasgevang in ‘n morele (Sataniese) paniek. Die soort paniek wat ons in die laat 80’s laas gesien het, toe Rodney Seale, John Gardiner, Kobus Jonker, en hul trawante nog hul rondtes by skole gedoen het om kinders by ACSV bang te praat met boeke en pamflette, teen “die gevaar van rock musiek en Satanisme”. Mens sou dus dink, dat in 2024, ‘n samelewing sou bestaan wat al weggedoen het met dié uitgedateerde persepsies oor populêre kultuur, musiek, en kunstenaars, wat die Afrikaanse jeug wil besoedel met subtiele aanhitsing tot seks, dwelms, geweld, en goddeloosheid in hul lirieke -en konserte. Toe nie. Die naweek, bykans net ná Paasfees, is Suid-Afrika (weereens) in rep-en-roer oor ‘n kunstenaar se kwansuise “duiwelaanbiddery” en “heksery”, tydens konserte -en musiekvideos.

Hierdie keer is dit Taylor Swift, van alle kunstenaars, wat skielik nou persona non grata is. Die Afrikaner-Christen-publiek se hoof opponent, wat binnekort Suid-Afrika toe kom vir ‘n ekonomies belowende konsert, tydens haar Eras-wêreldtoer! So, waar het Swift dan so verkeerd geloop?

Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill: Facts and Uninformed Bias

The Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill seeks to amend the South African Schools Act of 1996. Since its introduction in January 2022, the Bill has been criticised by parents, civil society organisations and opposition Political Parties in the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces.

Some of this criticism amounts to uninformed bias and malicious prejudice, rather than fact.

We separate the facts from the uninformed bias, and name the provocateurs.

REMEMBER THEIR NAMES – Victims of witch-hunts in South Africa 2000 to 2024

February 2024. An 85-year-old woman and her 90-year-old husband lost their lives on 12 February 2024, after their home became the alleged target of an arson attack. “The exact cause of the fire is still to be confirmed, and we are following up on all information. We are aware of the allegations of witchcraft, and this motive is still to be confirmed.” Captain Sipho Nkosi

’30 Days of Advocacy against Witchcraft Accusations and Witch-hunts’ – 29 March to 27 April.

Touchstone Advocacy (on Facebook)

Call for Suspension of Shaun Christie from NWU

Christie has sought support for his anti-LGBTQ cause on social media, drawing backing from notable queer-phobic organisations, AfriForum Jeug and the African Christian Democratic Party. These organisations advocate for his reinstatement, portraying him as a victim of alleged attempts by “higher authorities” to suppress “religious freedom and Christian values”.

In response to Christie’s behaviour, this Alliance has appealed to the South African Human Rights Commission in pursuit of strict and decisive action against Christie.